Today, I speak with a heavy heart but filled with love and gratitude for an exceptional man: my father.
For me, he was more than just a father. He brought joy, always ready to make us laugh and to make every moment pleasant. His optimism and cheerfulness were an essential part of who he was, and that is how I want to remember him.
When I was a child, I admired him greatly. I remember him behind the wheel of his green Mercedes, the most beautiful car in my eyes, and he was its king. He was my role model, my rock, my hero.
He had a natural charisma and knew how to make every encounter special, whether with his friends or mine, through his stories and humor.
Even though life sometimes separated us by distance, our hearts remained close. In recent years, we spoke more often and every call was filled with love, especially when he greeted me tenderly: “My son, my son, how is my son doing!” These words will remain engraved in me.
I will never forget the year spent in Paris with him, a precious moment during which I got to know him better and appreciate his presence. I am also very grateful to him for coming to Geneva year after year to bring us together, even when he was weakened, and for making that effort despite the difficulties.
Today, even though his absence is painful, I will keep within me all that he has passed on to me. His love, his values, and his life lessons will accompany me every day. Dad, wherever you are, you will always remain in my heart. Rest in peace.
I also thank Weslley, Geovani, my guardian angels, and Pablo, who made it possible for me to be here in Paris to celebrate you with all the love you deserve.
Finally, I want to express my gratitude to Germaine, who played an important role in your life. She cherished, supported, and loved you fiercely. She watched over you like an angel, until the very end. For all that, I will be eternally grateful to her. Germaine, I am witness to the immense love that dad had for you and the joy he experienced in sharing his life with you. I thank you for all that you have done for him and for us.
Today, I stand here with a heart full of memories and gratitude. My father, you will always remain my role model and my source of inspiration. Your memory will live on through every smile and every shared moment of happiness. Shalom, Dad.
— A heartfelt tribute
— Kamran